Tweeny  3
A Tweening library for modern C++

◆ onSeek() [2/3]

tween<T, Ts...>& onSeek ( typename detail::tweentraits< T, Ts... >::noTweenCallbackType  callback)

Adds a callback for that will be called when seeking occurs, accepting only the tween values.

You can add as many callbacks as you want. It must receive the tween as an argument. Callbacks can be of any callable type. It will be called via tween::seek() functions. For step callbacks, see tween::onStep().

Keep in mind that the function will be copied into an array, so any variable captured by value will also be copied again.

If the callback returns false, it will be called next time. If it returns true, it will be removed from the callback queue.


auto t = t:from(0).to(100).during(100);
// pass a lambda
t.onSeek([](int v) { printf("%d ", v); });
// pass a functor instance
struct ftor { void operator()(int v) { printf("%d ", v); return false; } };
callbackA callback in the form bool f(Ts...)